An excerpt from Mother J.V. Reynolds
“I am not looking for a miracle because I am a miracle” – written in 2012
First, let me thank you all for your prayers that went up to the throne of God on my behalf. Truly, I can say that I am a living miracle! How little we know? When the Lord gave me the topic of ‘Dwelling on Higher Ground’, for our Women’s Retreat in April 2012, I had no idea that I would actually be taken to that ‘Higher Ground’. One day soon I hope to personally give my words of thanks giving.
The doctors and nurses in Intensive Care at Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield, put me down as their ‘Miracle Patient’. I was on the life support machine with tubes and wires everywhere. They told me that I died twice, but the God we serve is real and ladies, Heaven is real! God is calling his people to holiness. He wants our prayer life to be increased so that we will develop and our praises unto His holy name, be extended beyond our own understanding. Women of Grace and Power, God wants us to go forward like a mighty army but we must be united. For united we will stand and withstand every blast of the enemy but divided we will fall.
I was in hospital for nearly 4 months, on the life support machine for about 5 weeks but today at this moment, I am sitting on a chair in my own home, praising God. I am not looking for a miracle because I am a miracle! My doctors came to see me today and she was just shaking her head and saying ‘you really are my miracle patient’. Ladies, Heaven is a beautiful place. The colours are indescribable. Such beauty the human eyes cannot take.
As we enter into 2012, ladies I encourage you to put God first, continue to trust and depend on the Almighty in all that you do, and you will not go wrong.
Please continue to pray for me as I continue to pray for all Women of Grace and Power.